Chief & Council
The York Factory First Nation (YFFN) government consists of one Chief, four Councillors, and administrative support staff. Chief and Council are elected to two-year terms through Band Custom under Section 74 of the Indian Act.
Political affiliations associated with York Factory First Nation include Keewatin Tribal Council (KTC), Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak (MKO), Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs (AMC) and Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC).
York Factory First Nation operates on a By-Law system implemented and supported by community members through Band Council Resolutions (BCRs).
Chief Leroy Constant

Message from Chief Leroy Constant
Tansi! I welcome you to our new York Factory First Nation Website. We have designed it so that it is easy to use and allows for adding news, events and additional information as we move forward. It includes a list of various programs, services and ventures that are available to community members & visitors to our community.
It is an honor to be Chief of York Factory First Nation. It is my aspiration to continue building on the vision for York Factory First Nation and to create a better future and opportunities for youth & community members.
- Finance
- Crown Consultation
- Treaty Land Entitlement
- York Landing Construction Company
- Justice
- Shoreline Protection
- OmniTRAX & Port of Churchill
- First Nation Safety Officers
- Resource Access – Ten Shilling & Silver Goose
- Resource Management
Office: (204) 341-2180
Mobile: (204) 307-3285
Councillor Louisa Constant
- Economic Development
- O & M / Public Works
- Women’s Support
- All Weather Road
- Northern Store
- Church Initiative
- Nurse / Doctor Services
- Mental Health
- Sodexo / Employment Retention Support (ERS)
- Capital Assets
- CMHC / Band Housing / RRAP
- Capital & Infrastructure
- Relocation Claim
- OmniTRAX & Port of Churchill
Office: (204) 341-2180
Mobile: (204)
Councillor Evelyn Beardy
- Education
- Social Development
- Residential School Survivors
- Men’s Support
- Elders
- Culture & Heritage
- Smoke Shop
- Arena Management
- Administration & Management
- Band Staff – Policies & Procedures
- Band Membership
Office: (204) 341-2180
Mobile: (204) 307-2039
Councillor George Beardy
- Education
- O & M / Public Works
- Implementation Program
- Social Development
- Recreation
- Band Vehicles
- Summer Student Employment / Spring Clean-Up
- Evergreen Inn Motel
- Youth Development / Jr. Chief & Council
- Bi-Pole III
- Keeyask / Conawapa
- Search & Rescue
Office: (204) 341-2180
Mobile: (204) 307-5235
Councillor Frank Wastesicoot
- Health
- Daycare / Head Start Program
- Bereavement
- Treaty Land Entitlement
- Awasis Agency
- Winnipeg Sub-Office
- Fire Prevention / Protection
- Emergency Preparedness / Community Emergency Plan
- Apit Seepee Trust
- Kischi Wáskáhikan Trust
- VLT Gaming Commission
Office: (204) 341-2180
Mobile: (204) 307-5200
All Chief & Council
- Administration & Management
- Band Staff – Policies & Procedures
- First Nation Safety Officers
- Band Buildings
- Band Housing
- Apit Seepee Trust
- Kischi Wáskáhikan Trust
- Bereavement
- Band Membership
- VLT Gaming Commission
- Election Code